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Dec 29, 2015

life is a race

Life is a journey that it destination is known but its duration is unknown. It can give happiness now then later gives sorrow but the main important thing is that "everything that has a beginning has an end".
Obviously for every living organism death is inevitable to them cause that their end. Life deals with love and laugh no matter the situation, life goes on. Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible. My favourite quotes says "Life never seems the way we want but it lived the way it is and caved to the way we want, to let us accomplish our want.
Naturally, we often learn the most from situations that demonstrate what not to replicate than we do from exemplary lessons in life and leadership. Many people in today's society waste a lot of their time on social media and entertainment to stimulate themselves but spend little to no time at all trying to improve themselves or their life situation.
Firstly positive life deals with positive impact in which people gain from and learn from it, "There's no way to know how many people your life will influence. You don't know who is watching, listening, or learning from you."  The impact of your life in others determine how far you have gone in life but it requires the tent or the passion you have given it to build it up. 
Attitude and ability are complementary to each other for success in life though they are usually different but both go well together. Attitude is far different from your personality. the former deals with your feelings toward others or you intention towards people while the latter is now of character you. Don't let your attitude affect your personality at all.
Don't because of attitude and destroy your personality. having problem in relating with people is not your personality affecting that part it your attitude given them a driven back against perhaps you let of the attitude cause it can be changed but your personality cant be changed at all.  Try to keep the two in a good condition and you will get an inspired life. live your life to be inspired by people and after you are no more you will be more than a noble personality. 

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